If you have the cash and the item you want is available in a desired condition; Act straight away. Waiting will cost you more later.

My eBay onward Rule.

The Walking Dead Day 8 Challenge

8.) If you could have one person on the show as your partner during the zombie apocalypse, who would it be and why? 

Cant decide if its Rick or Daryl. Both have advantages and disadvantages.

Rick likes to take control while Daryl can be hard to handle. 

The Walking Dead Day 4 Challenge

5.) On a scale of 1-10 how scary do you think the show is? 

Looks like I missed a few days, shouldn’t let this happen again.

Any way, I would say around 7-8. The show isn’t about scare, its about surviving in a world with not law where humans are more dangerous than zombies. Although session 3  intro is scary.