Batman Arkham Knight PS4 bundle

Batman PS4Great news Arkham Fans, for only $449.99 you will be able to own a Batman shaped PS4 along with the game Batman Arkham Knight coming  June 23rd. In addition and for a limited time; this bundle will allot the user to download extra missions and skins before they go public on other platforms.

I am not surprised as Arkham Asylum for PS3 had the Joker as an extra missions character. The Batman logo shape looks great on the console and for once I am excited for a bundle.

Regardless of all, I will still be getting this on the PC followed on Xbnox One and maybe down the line get it on the PS4 once I get that system.

Great news never the less for Batman and Ps4 fans. Finally, a Bundle that one can be proud owning (With respect to other bundle).

16794978849_263b52f407_kA small note, there will also be a normal non limited edition Arkham Knight bundle for $399.99.

Batman arkham knight ps4 bundle



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