One of the best, if not the best inspiring gaming video. A fly through PlayStation’s timeline from the PSone all the way to PS4 with amazing music thrown into the mix. A must watch.
Batman Arkham Sale – Steam
Batman Arkham Asylum/City is currently on Sale, Steam. Just grabbed my copy of city even tough I already cleared it on Xbox 360.
New Retro Shipments
Is Linux indeed the future of PC gaming?

Gabe Newell, the founder of Steam the largest digital games distributor declares that Linux is the future PC gaming OS.
Now before we jump the gun and call the man crazy lets consider the following facts:
• Linux is FREE
• Linux is Stable
• Linux is becoming popular and cool
Now I not saying that there is anything wrong with Windows considering I’m a Mac owner but nothing stays the way it is forever. And quite frankly, Microsoft did nothing but kill PC gaming for the past few years so change and the reviewer of PC gaming is needed.
Linux is becoming easy to use day by day and the ability to run it side by side with windows was always there but will people bother?

At the end, I leave the final judgement to you.
The first version of my Guide is live on Gamefaqs – Plants Vs Zombies 2
After a month of not talking about one of the amazingly great newly released FREE game, I’m proud to announce the first version of Guide.
As with all my written FAQs and Walkthroughs, everything can be found under my profile on GameFAQs.
My Work on GameFAQs:
Steam announced Family Sharing
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night $2.49 Xbox360
New Xbox Rewards system
8 wireless controllers at once
By this time, I’m confidant that you already heard that the upcoming Xbox One will support up to 8 controllers at once. The question is’ will it get a proper use?
Short answer: NO.
Long Answer: YES.
While I cant think of any serious game to take advantage I do have some suggestions.
- Sport Games
- Wrestling Games
- Party Games
- Fighting Tag Games
- Bomberman
- Puzzle Games
- Strategy Games
While the above list is nowhere complete, it should give the idea that the 8 controller thing van be beneficial as opposite to just some extra feature that no one cares about.
Not Sure (Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter)
As a big fan and collector I got very excited finding this on eBay, that is of course after seeing the $100 tag.
I own Xmen vs Street Fighter with the 4MB card already so skipping this pack and getting game only makes sense, but on the other hand getting this gem from a collector point of view is a must.
I will probably get it at some point, just hope its sooner then latter as prices go up every year.