So it’s been a few months as I took an unwanted break from blogging and writing as a whole. The reason, of course, is me being busy with YouTube as I fine tuned the channel’s intro and overall quality. Never the less, writing and blogging is something I always enjoyed since a young age and will continue to do so. I’m also deciding my next game to write a guide on at GameFAQs so that should keep me busy. Oh and I managed to clear some of my backlog games and on a strict mission to clear as much as possible before purchasing anything else.
Speaking about orders, let me share my recent purchases off eBay. I will be doing a video about what’s on my eBay watch list soon so make sure to subscribe to my channel to catch the video as soon as it goes live. So here goes:
Sonic Adventure International – SEGA Dreamcast

Sonic Adventure International is an updated version of the original game. Due to the limited test time, the Japanese versions ended up with a few bugs. SEGA later re-released an updated version titled International which has both Japanese and English voice acting as well as new cameras. Most of the bugs were fixed as well. Being a die hard retro SEGA fan, I was happy to grab this off eBay.
MZS Blue Pivot Brake Clutch Levers For Kawasaki KX250 2005-2008

Now I have no idea what this part does or how important it is as its this was never meant for me. A part of many I ordered for my brother’s bike. Not gonna lie though, it looks sick!
Sega Saturn Street Fighter collection trial version

I have always been fascinated with Demo and Trial versions. They are after all a dying breed. Physical Demos are a thing of the past. Street Fighter, Sega Saturn and Demo? A must have.
Classic Mario Amiibo

I always wanted a huge action figure collection to display on shelves. The problem is, most are overpriced. So I thought until Amiibos were released. This is the third one I ordered as its out of stock locally. Soon I will hopefully set them up to give the gaming office a brighter feel. Check out the pickup video I did:
Street Fighter 2 Movie – Sega Saturn

The most interesting item so far. This is supposed to be a Sega Saturn version of the Street Fighter 2 movie. The thing is, as shown on the back of the CD case; there is a gameplay image meaning there is more to do. I will test this out once I order the 1080p upscaler to properly play my retro games on my BenQ Monitor.
So there you have it folks. Those were my top 5 recent purchases even though I have tones more wichih I may do another post about. Hope you enjoyed reading this blog and I will catch you in my next article. Checkout my YouTube channel for more content as well as my Twitter and other social media.