Everyone is going crazy over the PS5 and they’re saying it’s the best gaming console ever. Don’t get me wrong – I’ve been a PS fan since the first system launched. But here’s the thing: I don’t need the latest and greatest system to have fun. It’s all about the games, and that’s what gaming PCs are all about!
Having lots of stellar games on my PC totally outweighs any desire to have the PS5 or Xbox 2.
Wanting the best version of a game was one of the main reasons I got into PC gaming. As an avid fan of video games and a self-proclaimed game addict, getting a gaming PC has unleashed a whole new era of video games for me. Tons of good free games are available. Cheaper prices and most importantly, best version a money can buy. Not to mention the amazing backlogs of retro games and emulation that breath new life into old games.
I still collect physical media and retro games. But when it comes to choosing which game to get, I always go for the PC version. Even old school titles that no one know were on the PC like my recent purchased Toy Story 2. and then there is another thing; Sony started releasing PlayStation games on the PC. I preferred the consoles back in the GameCube and Dreamcast era but now days. everything ends up on the PC.
It’s not just about the games though. Console gaming just feels slower and more clunky to me now. There’s something about the freedom of being able to customize every single aspect of your gaming PC that just makes the experience a lot better. With a gaming PC, you’re not limited to what the console manufacturer allows. You can add more storage, upgrade your graphics card, change your keyboard, mouse and controller to whatever you want. You can even use a bigger monitor if you want.
Sure , some people might not like the idea of building their own PC, but there are plenty of gaming PCs out there that come pre-built and are ready to go right out of the box. If you already have a gaming PC, there’s really no need to buy a console. You can get all the same games, plus a whole lot more. The only new console I bought is the Nintendo Switch. Nintendo is still keeping it old school. They still release amazing games wit the 2000s feeling. But other than Nintendo, the rest just seem inferior versions of PC ports.
If you still prefer consoles and their simplicity (which is fading away), more power to you. I on the other hand, will stick to PC Gaming and Nintendo games.