Xbox One bundle is now $349

xbox_one_saleFor those of you still waiting to jump on the next Gen -Technically this Gen- now is your chance. Microsoft now lowered the Xbox One’s price to $349 with free game(s) and that is an amazing offer.

You can even get two full games should you go with the assassins creed bundle. True both of them are also available on Xbox 360 but with such a low price and free games it is getting harder not to take advantage. and with the saving you just made, you can go ahead and get more games like the Evil Within or even preorder Mortal Kombat 9 or Batman Arkham Knight.

This price is as low as it can get so don’t expect anything lower in the short term. Now of course if your not interested in the next Gen yet you can care less but sooner or later you will need to reconsidre to continue playing new games. More and more developers are starting to develop games for next gen only with Dying Light being a fine example. You can also get some of the pre gen games like Rayman Legends with better resolution and shorter load time not to mention The Evil Within.

Another thing I would like to point out that apart from the assassins creed bundle you will be getting the latest AAA tittles such as Sunset Overdrive and the next COD so your scoring big games for free and if for any reason you don’t like them you can trade them for something else among your friends. Not a bad deal at all.

Xbox One had a slow start but make no mistake; a stable online services aka Xbox Live + Next Gen console is never a bad thing and as more and more developers starts jumping aboard the console will soon be over populated with AAA games.

Just a reminder: Offer ends January 3rd 2015.

Why am I holding out on next gen

I never was amazed by the lunch of the so called next gen consoles. Not only were the graphical updates normal, the lack of good games made the case even worse. At times I wished I had atleast one of them but soon I realize that spending the money on a useless consoles with no real games is no wise choice considering all the good games are coming out on PC with better graphics or on Xbox 360/PS3 which I both own.

I apologies if I offended any one but for me, and please take that as an opinion is no reason to buy them yet. Not when PC gaming is still around. So let us start with PS4:


Believe it or not, I actually skipped PS3 even though I loved PS2 and PSone. Well I have a few games like Initial D but I did not give it a serious go. All that changed when PS4 was released. At first I was skeptical and with my problem of no user change or region change things didn’t look good on me going toward Sony again. After looking around more I started liking it to the point of almost getting one.

What happened?

Two things: Region and games. Where I live, Pal is dominated the market with no sign of NTSC. Now I know that I can continue doing the thing I already do which is getting my games from Amazon and eBay but having the option to buy cheap games is always a factor. The other problem is games. Apart from The last of us remastered which happens to be also on PS3, Rayman Legends and The Evil Within of which all of them aavailableon Xbox 360 and PC there are zero games that I care about. Well technically The Order is on my list but apart from that, nothing.


Xbox 360 was my main gaming console this gen -PC not included- so it was only natural to jump on the next Xbox. Sadly the same problem as the above; no games. Lower resolution aside, the Xbox One had nothing to offer. Forza 5 and what? I am patiently waiting for Gears of War 4 but until released, there is zero interest in it for me.

So what will I do?

Build a new PC for less. I triad upgrading my old rig which by the way plays Batman Arkham Origins fine with extra ram but things went horrible fast. Slow PC, not booting and so on. Yes PC gaming has its downs but until the next gen starts offering real games count me out.

Why as I holding up on getting the next gen consoles

Xbox one and PS4 are out and selling, the next gen has officially arrived. As a Diehard gamer, one would think I would jump on them as soon as I can and they would be right, not this time though.


xboxone ps4


There are reasons behind my decision to wait;


Now I know that the launch prices were low and all but I’m still waiting for the remembered cheaper version for Xbox One.



No first batch tittle amazed me so far. Sorry but its true, no ground breaking game was shown till no and most of the ones I do want are also available on previous gen consoles or PC.


PC Gaming

Its no secret that I’m big on PC gaming and enjoying the best experience on most games (Batman Arkham Origins) so no rush.


Retro Gaming

I’m also a big old school retro gamer and collector as seen by my blog posts. Collection old school rare games > New Gen.


One final thing; I am in no way bashing or making fun of the new consoles and will get them sooner or later but at this point I prefer to save money on more important things and retro gaming although that could change once Gears of War 4 is announced. Game one, game right.