IOS 7 Jailbreak is here, BUT

The not so long awaited IOS 7 jailbreak is here, but reports all over the web are pointing out that it may be sending user data to some site. The full story can be found on I personal will hold off for a few days until the storm blows and everything will be visible. The need … 


Back to FAQ writing

As you may know, I’m a FAQ writer and GameFAQs contributor as well as many other sites. I have taken a short vacation after submitting a few this year and now is returning to continue my work on the Plants vs Zombie FAQ as well another new one. You can find my work on my GameFAQs profile: My current work


Batman Arkham Origins Review

So its been some time since I last blogged, and with a good reason; I was busy completing Arkham Origins. Right now, I just completed the New Game+ with the final mode finally unlocked. The game overall feels like an update to Arkham City rather than a new one, but that’s not necessary a bad thing for hardcore Batman fans but I … 


My next smart phone upgrade

As with every year, my carrier contract expire this month meaning new phone is available for upgrade. The question is, which one? I was impressed with the new IOS7 and once I installed it on my iPhone 4s I immediately realized that I need a newer iPhone if I want things to be smooth. On the other hand, I got tiered of my … 


Real reason for BBM delay?

Its no secret that one of the biggest world wide tech disappointment accrued yesterday, the BBM launch cancellation. Despite the extreme hype and rumors followed by official statement of the release date, BlackBerry failed to live up to yet another promise. After hours of strange silence, Blackberry came with a statement that an unofficial leaked BBM … 


Using iPhone without cover

The recent IOS7 redesign made me remove the much needed cover exposing my iPhone 4s to danger but damn, the design is beautiful and with the new them it looks sweeter than ever. Of course the this may also be due that my phone upgrade is soon so I’m not that worried about it although …