Why as I holding up on getting the next gen consoles

Xbox one and PS4 are out and selling, the next gen has officially arrived. As a Diehard gamer, one would think I would jump on them as soon as I can and they would be right, not this time though.


xboxone ps4


There are reasons behind my decision to wait;


Now I know that the launch prices were low and all but I’m still waiting for the remembered cheaper version for Xbox One.



No first batch tittle amazed me so far. Sorry but its true, no ground breaking game was shown till no and most of the ones I do want are also available on previous gen consoles or PC.


PC Gaming

Its no secret that I’m big on PC gaming and enjoying the best experience on most games (Batman Arkham Origins) so no rush.


Retro Gaming

I’m also a big old school retro gamer and collector as seen by my blog posts. Collection old school rare games > New Gen.


One final thing; I am in no way bashing or making fun of the new consoles and will get them sooner or later but at this point I prefer to save money on more important things and retro gaming although that could change once Gears of War 4 is announced. Game one, game right.

Batman Arkham Origins Review

So its been some time since I last blogged, and with a good reason; I was busy completing Arkham Origins. Right now, I just completed the New Game+ with the final mode finally unlocked.

The game overall feels like an update to Arkham City rather than a new one, but that’s not necessary a bad thing for hardcore Batman fans but I must warn you that some parts feel old and repetitive. Once you complete the main story you can go hunt the sub missions and remaining Data Drives along with a few surprises but that’s all about it.


The graphics are somehow update (Playing the PC version) and are nice to look at but nothing groundbreaking although seeing how this is a Game play + Story game that’s normal.

Of course the challenge maps return but in order to earn all upgrades you now must complete a series of sub challenges in story mode. Obtaining them all will require skill and patents as sometimes the game glitch you out of the award. Over all, it is the same game we all played and loved with a few upgrades and a prequel story. The DLCs should be on the way and there is a session pass to get as well. 

Hardcore Arkham fans will get it as soon as they can, but for the rest you might want to wait for the game of the year edition or a cheaper version along the line.


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My top 3 Important Gaming News

As I was going through my favorite gaming magazine Games Master I came across 3 important updates, in which 2 surprised me as I somehow missed them from the internet.

Plants VS Zombie 2 is ready and supposed to come out on 18 this month. The game apparently come on the IOS App Store in Australia and is currently awaiting international release. Question is; which platform should I get the game on? My current bid is the App Store.


GT6 is still coming out on PS3. I admit I used to be a huge GT fan, especially 4 but the latest release was a disappointment considering the time they took.


Last but not least and my favorite, Batman Arkham Next. It seems the voice actor for Batman leaked a confirmation that there is 4th Batman game in works. Arkham Asylum along with City are my best games of the year which I %100 on both PC and Xbox 360 so another 2 games is a God sent. Cant Wait!
