Sony online entertainment hit by DDos attack, again

Sony is under attack yet again. PlayStation network unstable with failed attempts to log in or do anything. Now this is not the first or even third time this has happened, so the big question is: What did Sony do to prevent this? Why is this happening? And most importantly, will this happen again?

I am not network expert and I do not claim to be a pro but clearly this has never happened to Xbox live or Steam. I was very close on placing an order for a PS4 but its things like this remind me why I am holding out.

Take a look at the history of Sony Online outage for yourself:

The latest reports claim that things are getting back to normal although the full story is not out yet. Lets wait for Sony’s official story and prevention plan.

Sonic the Hedgehog Redesign


I‘m still not sure how I totally feel about the new Sonic redesign but one thing for sure; knuckles feels very tall and buffed. Sonic’s white bandage thing looks awesome, cant say the same for knuckles. Each character should be unique and have his own style. Amy’s dress feels little weird as well but that’s something I’m willing to cope with.

The next sonic game looks like an upgraded version of Sonic Heroes  and while I don’t have high hopes on this one (sonic generations was awesome) it remains to be seen how well will this one sell and rate.
