Board Games are fun

Its been sometime since I last played a boards game, a serious one. Was I wrong. Thanks to the cheap pickup off a yearly market I managed to grab a very cheap yet perfect The Simpsons Monopoly board game. I cant remember the last time I had so much fun off something other then a video game. I recommended Monopoly for any 2+ people who regularly gather to have a long lasting fun. I for one started gathering with my brother and his friend at local coffee shops almost daily (When I don’t have to work morning shifts) from 12 am to 3 and trust me it is worth the hours. I’m thinking of getting the walking dead version to spice things up. Go out and grab your self one.



IOS 7 Jailbreak is here, BUT


The not so long awaited IOS 7 jailbreak is here, but reports all over the web are pointing out that it may be sending user data to some site. The full story can be found on

I personal will hold off for a few days until the storm blows and everything will be visible. The need for Jailbreak is becoming less with every IOS update but not completely out as there are tons of addons that not only enhance the visuals but make the life of an iPhone owner easier. 

Jailbreak link:

The Walking Dead game impression

I just finished the walking dead point and click game (Steam) and man, its what I expected and more.


First of all, the game is biased on the comic meaning staying true to the root while adding its own style. The story is exciting and the graphics look amazing. There are choices to be made and decisions to consider as the game changes (kinda ) depending on how you play and while there is not much to control you will be more happy to uncovering the next chapter as you move on. In total, there are 5 episodes which are of normal length except the fifth one which is kinda short compared to the others.


Overall, the game is exciting and the short but fun DLC 400 days is out as well. The next game Session 2 is almost out which continues the story even further. One thing is for sure, I’m grabbing it as soon as it comes. A must buy for any point and click/walking dead fans plus the price is really love.

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Back to FAQ writing

As you may know, I’m a FAQ writer and GameFAQs contributor as well as many other sites. I have taken a short vacation after submitting a few this year and now is returning to continue my work on the Plants vs Zombie FAQ as well another new one.

You can find my work on my GameFAQs profile:

My current work

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Mad Max is upon us

Who Who doesn’t remember Mad Max? Just in case, it’s one of the all-time favorite post apocalypse trilogy ever made. What’s new is; now we have the game AND a fourth part.

Not much is known about the upcoming film or game except that the film will land somewhere around 2015 and the game much closer. The game is surly set after Mad Max 2 and while the film is called part 4 it is still believed to be after the events of the second film as well which is kinda disappointing if true as I want to know what happens after the trilogy. Never the less, a new movie and game is something to be excited about. For thus of you who have no clue on what I’m talking about, do yourself a favor and go watch the trilogy (although the first film is the weakest but still watchable).

Batman Arkham Origins Review

So its been some time since I last blogged, and with a good reason; I was busy completing Arkham Origins. Right now, I just completed the New Game+ with the final mode finally unlocked.

The game overall feels like an update to Arkham City rather than a new one, but that’s not necessary a bad thing for hardcore Batman fans but I must warn you that some parts feel old and repetitive. Once you complete the main story you can go hunt the sub missions and remaining Data Drives along with a few surprises but that’s all about it.


The graphics are somehow update (Playing the PC version) and are nice to look at but nothing groundbreaking although seeing how this is a Game play + Story game that’s normal.

Of course the challenge maps return but in order to earn all upgrades you now must complete a series of sub challenges in story mode. Obtaining them all will require skill and patents as sometimes the game glitch you out of the award. Over all, it is the same game we all played and loved with a few upgrades and a prequel story. The DLCs should be on the way and there is a session pass to get as well. 

Hardcore Arkham fans will get it as soon as they can, but for the rest you might want to wait for the game of the year edition or a cheaper version along the line.


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Game Breaking bug (Arkham Origin)

It is with sadness I must report that I have experienced  a game breaking glitch that wasn’t fixed with the latest patch. 





->During black gate bane’s fight, the screen goes dark while the fight continues.<-


Arkham Origins first impression (PC version)


As you may know by now, I’m a huge Batman Arkham series fan. I was torn between preordering  the Xbox 360 version or go with the PC one (like I did with the first).

Fortunately I went with the later and so far not disappointed. First of all, the PC version comes with Deathsrtoke as well so no missing content from the console versions. The second and most important thing is the next gen version! You haired it right, since Arkham Origins is not coming to PS4/Xbox One the PC version is the only next gen version. Dont get me wrong, the PC version would have still won regardless if PS4 or Xbox One’s version were out but the lake of them gives me a bigger reason to own this version.


My PC is a bit old and while it cant run everything max at the highest resolution it still manage to pull a decent, as good as or even graphics higher than currant gen consoles. Enabling the advanced features costed me performance  hence the reason I turned most of that stuff off, for now. I’m seriously thinking of finally upgrading my PC to run this gem at the highest graphics possible having the full experience. I am the best version freak so my actions are understandable to my kind heheh..

The last and final reason is that I got it at a cheaper price, hocked up to my trusted monitor (I don’t own an HD TV yet) and playing it using Xbox 360 wired controller. Life is gooooood man.


Enough about my setup, lets talk about the game itself. I must admit that I’m not that far into it so my mini review will cover what I know and seen so far. The game looks and controls as the previous installments, in a good way. The action pickups as soon as you start the game. Having played and mastered the first 2 with mixed unlocked achievements I started my way in with knowledge of how the game and its fighting system works. The boss fights are different so far with some old aliments returning.


The story is not bad as well, you start out as a noob Batman and work your way fighting and making a name for yourself. The city is modified with new areas and places to go into. The detective mode is enhanced thus opening the door for new experience. The only thing I didn’t get use to is the confusing upgrade menu but I may get used to it over time.  Over all, I am please with my purchase and will get the DLC Season pass once I receive my payment. Will also get the game of the year version once it hits on Xbox 360.


Final advice: If you loved the previous arkham games, get it. Get it on whatever platform you please but get it. And oh, the PS3 version gets extra skins and challenges. Will post screens and further impression once I’m done.