My latest developments


Hey guys, how you all been? First, I apologize for not blogging for some time but I was doing allot of activities. I completed the third book of Harry Potter, progressed in Resident Evil Zero in order to write a guide for GameFAQs, bought a new GPU but most importantly worked on my YouTube channel. I’m happy to report that the channel is no longer in Beta. I managed to iron out the mistakes I used to do, updated my channel art and set a standard style for all my upcoming content.

Adam3k3_Banner3Running a YouTube channel is not easy, at least when you’re taking it seriously. However, this blog will remain alive and active as well as my personal non-gaming one. For the most part, I will post content best suited to a blog as well as more details or information about a topic I may have covered on my YouTube channel.

I will resume writing game guides for soon so that’s not going anywhere as well. I spent the last few months updating my old FAQs with more detailed information and fixing the spelling/grammar mistakes. There are many more games I would like to write for so expect more content in the near future.


My personal non-gaming blog will receive content as well. Mostly personal stories, experience or tech. The reason I created that blog was mostly due to the Ghost blogging system that I wanted to try and I must say I love it. Simple and looks great out of the box.

Keep an eye on my social media mostly twitter as I am active the most on, followed by Google+. My Facebook is sort of like a collection log for all my content but unless someone message me, I’m not that active on it. You can request specific content by messaging or twitting me directly. Note that my twitter feed is shown on the right side of this website.

I’m fully intending to mix both my YouTube and this blog’s content together and make this website a central hub for all my work. If anything is happening, you will hear about it here or on Twitter. Writing was and still is a big part of me and I’m not intending of letting go.

Thank you very much for your support and I hope I will continue to provide helpful and entertaining content for you to enjoy.

Places I visit online

We all have our daily visited website and I am no different. Ofcourse the priority changed over the years so here are my daily visited websites these days:


I only visit the UFC and WWE section as I’m both a WWE and MMA fan. The strange thing is; I mostly read the comments rather than the blog post itself.


The hardcore news network. News and updates that are intended for a serious gamer along with a few controversial things that are not covered anywhere.


Long before YouTube, there was GameFAQs. I remember browsing it for the first time as I was playing Sonic Adventure on Dreamcast. Guides and FAQs that cannot be found elsewhere, even paid. Years later and I became a writer. Feel free to vist my page with all my work:


Where else could I shop for old school gems? 90% of my shopping goes here.




Visiting the forums although not as active as I once was as I’m now more into blogging and writing.

Well, the above are my daily visited sites. I do visit more but I feel they are not as frequent as the ones I mentioned.

Selfie Stand?

Ok, I was never a selfie fan, nor am I now but the stand caught my attention at the mall which resulted in immediate buy of not so cheap $65 iPhone selfie/stand. I was looking for something like this for sometime but never bothered ordering it online. The main use of curse would be making youtube videos or even skating/other activities.

Testing the thing with my iPhone 5S front camera. Excuse the messy place as I was moving things around and did not bother cleaning up the place for the picture -_-




New Twitter profile page goes live

At least for me. The profile page looks great with a new options to see all your posted pictures and videos. The only thing that can use a little edit is the huge header space. A good high res image can fix that non the less.

new twitter