Gears of War Judgment on Xbox One

Gears of War Judgment, better gameplay than 3 with worse Horde mode. A perfect balance lol. Jokes aside, Judgment had the best weapon switch up and enhanced gameplay along graphics and deserves to be played again. Having received it for free with ultimate edition I downloaded it and started online versus mode. Being a VIP … 


It’s time to stop treating PC Gamers like thieves

I think we can all agree that it’s time to stop calling PC Gamers thieves and more importantly, stop treating them like one. Articles like this dominated the general uneducated public mainly greedy developers and ignorant console fanboys for years. It’s funny because Ubisoft claimed that 95% Of PC Gamers Are Pirates in previous statements only … 


Quake Live, how NOT to do things!

Greed, a very bad and unhealthy thing that cursed the world of gaming as well as all other form of entertainment. Developers are looking to make a quick buck off old titles and broken games is nothing new and Quake Live is the latest victim of greed. To be perfectly clear, I’m not against developers making … 


Latest life updates

As you probably guessed, I took a break from blogging gaming related stuff – I did post my late Resident Evil Revelations 2 review though- and instead focused on writing gaming guides for, posting on my personal blog/political stuff on Medium and gaming itself. What am I playing? Yes I played the PC version … 


Resident Evil 2 Remake is official, but

The awaited remake is finally official after a group of modders attempted to complete the job by themselves, great news and I am personally happy to see the project officially started but there are a few things that I’m worried about. While Capcom is officially making the remake, the original director as well as a … 


Latest pickups

Its been sometimes since I ordered something retro related, or was it? Anyway, I managed to pickup something nice; Dremfall Game of the Year edition. The game of the year edition includes the original and amazing The Longest Journey game as well as the Sound track CD and ofcourse Dreamfall. The Sega Saturn modem was supposed …